"Pheo Coffee's plan is to capture enough of the 400 million cups consumed in the United States every day to create a sustainable pipeline of happy coffee drinkers funding health care abroad.” - Washington Post
Pheo Coffee's mission was to use one of the most consumed beverages in the world to fund healthcare around the world. We tried to provide the highest quality coffee delivered to your doorstep a few days after it's roasted. Each bag described an amazing medical discovery and provide a photo of an actual person who was directly helped by the coffee purchase. We got great media coverage, were growing sales consistently, however when COVID hit, the effort became too great to continue the business.
Apart from coffee my other passion is point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). I am the author of The POCUS Manifesto, Expanding the Limits of the Physical Exam with point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). You can grab a warm coffee, buy it from Amazon, and curl up on your couch and read it. -Dr. Larry